Sonic 2 HD
An international team led by Vincenzo Mastrorosato is currently working on a remake of the SEGA classic Sonic 2 for PC. Two demos have been released so far. In the latest demo, you are able to play the Emerald Hills, Chemical Plant and Hill Top zones.
What strikes most is that the game mechanics are a bit different from the original game. For instance, in the Chemical Plant zone you will not easily come through the obstacles with the same timing as in the original game. This may be a challenge for experienced players.The graphics are very polished, and the music is close to the original but remade. The background music of act one of each zone comes close to the original but the background music of act two varies a bit from it.In any case, you will get a great audiovisual and gameplay experience with Sonic 2 HD.The game is available for free here:
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