

Last year Kim Hollesen released his game Chessman. As the name suggests it is a mix of chess and Pac Man. You control characters that also appear in chess and behave in the same manner. In each step you have to eat a pill and in addition, you must ensure that either the character you moved is threatened or that it threatens another character. A level is usually completed when you manage to capture the king of the enemy party.   Chessman requires quite a lot of brainpower. The game soon becomes very difficult and you have to plan strategically. The game can be both downloaded and played online in the browser. Check it out at:

Minimalist Force

Great news: I've just released the latest instalment of my series of turn-based, tactical role-playing games! The game is called Minimalist Force. As the name suggests the graphics are deliberately in a minimalist style. The special thing about this game is that you can recruit neutral characters for your party, but attention: the enemies can do the same! Download the game from this link: Adok

Sonic Galactic

In July 2024 I reported about a Sonic fangame called Sonic 2 HD. Now there is also another project, Sonic Galactic. The second demo is now available for download. The gameplay is exactly as in the original Sonic games. The bonus stages are in 3D and different from the Mega Drive games. The original intention of this project was to show how a classic Sonic title would look on a 32-bit platform. For more information visit: